Tuesday, September 16, 2008

WTF??? involves a locksmith

Went to court with BFF and ignition key broke off in door- how was I suppost to know which key is which? I guess you cannot have camera phones in court and we needed to put ours back in the car. She handed me the keys and i ran back to car to put phones in. I only have one car key that opens door and starts car, she doesn't. Key broke in two pieces. Yikes- now what? Put phones on the wheel well of her car and prayed no one would see them and went back inside. After like 2 hours in court, we had to get a locksmith. $184 later she drove off.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


blah! The streets are completely flooded and we can't get to the mall. We will need to find some indoor things to do. Mike went tubing in the flooded streets with friends. He will come home a muddy mess. Nice. Drama from woodstock. My BFF is having husband problems. Wish she could move back to CS. Too far to help each other on a daily basis like the old days. This rain sucks!!!

Stuff I'm Loving

Chocolate spice quad from MAC cult of cherry

Love this quad! Tempting eye quad by MAC from the cult of cherry collection

The search for the most awesome graphing calculator

Ok, so it's raining like crazy. My beautiful, dramatic daughter needs a graphic calculator. I when out 2 weeks ago in the rain to look for one but had no luck. Everyone was sold out- yuck! It was 8pm and stores where closing. I was told ten minutes before that she HAD to have one for a test in the morning, as in the next day. She had to borrow one from a friend(soooo embarrassing mom!). So again I will trudge out in the rain for this stupid thing. Then I will go to the gym, where they are getting to know me pretty well! Who would have thought someone as unmotivated as moi would become such a gym rat!